Saturday, April 28, 2012

Energy Balls

Searched the web a little for energy ball ideas, then just used what we had on hand.
Here is what we came up with:

1 cup nut butters (a combination of peanut, cashew and almond; had three jars all almost empty to use)
1 cup local raw honey
3 cups rolled grain mix (like rolled oats but with wheat, spelt, oats, rye, and barley; my mother bought this at some Amish stand she drove past)
1 cup raisins and walnuts combined (more raisins since it was already nut heavy)
Mixed all together, formed balls then rolled in
wheat germ
flax meal

I let each boy roll a few on their own plate.  The rest I rolled and they are now chilling in the freezer.  I am freezing in hopes of being able to pack up a few in the morning and that they would be thawed by time to snack.  Wish I had some unsweetened coconut to roll in as well, but I just used it all in waffles a few days ago.  The boys loved the activity and the snack.  Very easy and adaptable to what you have in the pantry and fridge.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Usana Success Story

Great news from a new associate in my downline.

Her Vitamin D level was 19.2, for the first three weeks after testing she took nothing, for the next three weeks she took 4000 IU of Usana Vitamin D everyday.  At her retest, 6 weeks later, Vitamin D levels were up to 39.1.  Pretty good news after just three weeks of Usana!!  Of course every body is different.  But what a great improvement for her!

Thanks for sharing team!
Please keep the good news coming.


From an email I received today:
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." 
--Thomas Edison

(thanks Briana)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Amazingly Healthy School Lunches

Everything about Lisa's blog is inspiring, but these school lunch are just beautiful.  I love reading her blog and felt I really needed to bring attention to this post.  Great ideas for toddler and picnics too.
Read all about it, and drool over the photos, here

Hope you are inspired too!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring foods are here!

Kale, asparagus, strawberries...start watching for them.  Local season spring foods are here!  Peas and leeks will be here very soon, if not already.  Fresh spinach...yum! 
Farmer's Markets will be in full swing very soon!
Tower Grove opening day is Saturday May 5
Schafly's Maplewood Market is open now!  Wednesdays 4:00-7:00
Webster Grove's Market opens May 3

When you eat seasonally, spring is certainly a big treat!  Enjoy!

My Kids' Smoothies

Smoothies can be a mom's best friend.

This morning's smoothie for my boys:
1/2 avocado
large scoop of plain yogurt
squeeze of Barlean's Omega Swirl Fish Oil (Pina Colada flavored)
one ripe banana

It was a beautiful light green color, rich, smooth and creamy.  so yummy.
The boys drank it down, but if I did have any left overs I would have simply poured it into my popsicle molds.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Healthy Home tip of the Day

With two young boys in the house my bathrooms frequently need cleaning.  And by "cleaning" I mean walls, baseboards, everything.  I clean with my favorite all purpose cleaner and disinfectant I've posted about before: 1/2 white vinegar, 1/2 hydrogen peroxide, a few drops of tea tree oil.  But now I have a new favorite "product" to add to my cleaning routine.  To absorb odors between cleaning I keep a small mason jar with baking powder and a few drops essential oil on the back of the toilet.  Occasionally shake to reactivate the oils scent.  A great way to have a fresh smelling room with out introducing chemicals or perfumes in your home.  I hope you like this idea as much as I do.


Refuse to worry, and keep your body healthy
Ecclesiastes 11:10